Thursday, October 30, 2008


IBM secured a 10-year deal wiht India's Bharti Retail to provide them with a range of technology and services, which operates a chain of convient stores. IBM will provide them with data center and project mangement services, and IBM will also help them manage their applications, networks, and IT security requirments.
IBM also signed a three-year technology service with a Russian retailer Lenta, which was worth about $1 million.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

'Carding' Ring Bust

Posted October 17, 2008

For two years the FBI had been working undercover targeting an online "carding" forum called Dark Market. This "carding" forum trades stolen credit cards and other personal information. Dark Market has 25oo resgistered members. "FBI has resulted in 56 arrests around the world and saved $70 milllion in losses." FBI director says investigations like this, leads them to other internet forums, where criminals go and interact.

"Of the 206,884 complaints about Internet-related crimes received by the Internet Crime Complaint Center in 2007, more than 90,000, reflecting almost $240 million in reported lossess, were referred to law enforcement agaencies across the United States."

Sunday, October 5, 2008


posted September 26, 2008

This article is about a web browser technique called 'clickjacking', "it gives an atttacker the ability to trick a user into clicking on something only barely or momentarily noticeable. Therefore, if a user clicks on a Web page, they may actually be clicking on content from another page". The government security agency says that this flaw effects most web browsers such as Apple, Safari, Goggle Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera; and that there is no fix available. To avoid this risk, you should disable scripting adn plug-ins. They suggest the use of security plug ins such as FlashBlock, Adblock Plus, and CustomizeGoogle; these plugins should not be turned off. There was a disccusion with Adobe, Microsoft, Mozilla, and other major browser vendors. Adobe is not affected but it was involved because of its Flash software that can be used for clickjacking exploit. "Web sites that attempt to be more secure end up being less secure with reguard to clickjacking, because sites that try to protect againgst cross-site request forgery end up making themselves vulnerable to this attack".