Sunday, September 7, 2008

Airport body scan machines made in St. Petersburg

posted September 07, 2008

L-3 communications is the nations's sixth largest defense company, they sell products that the public is not aware of. A machine made in St. Petersburg is said to be one that explicit images of traveler's bodies to find weapons under their clothes. This machine is getting alot of attention because it is not at all favorable. The transportation security Administration is testing L-3's "Millimeter wave" at 10 major airports, and will expand to 14 more. This scanner looks like a telephone booth; travelers steps into it and lift thier arms up while harmless radio waves bounces off them. Within seconds, a security agent looks over a dark-but detailed image of the travelers naked body. Civil liberties group says this is a process called "an electronic strip search" which violates peoples privacy rights. The transportation security administration says that these images are deleted after the securities had verified that the person is not carrying anything dangerous.

I feel that this is an invasion of privacy because I got my chance to go through one of these things, and all they told me was to walk in raise my arms and that they were going to do a scan, but i didn't know that that was the kind of image they get.

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