Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Intellectual Property

Posted September 11, 2008

My article was on expanding digital copyright law. The recording industry association of America and the motion picture of America are lobbying a pair of bills to give federal government more power to police copyright violations and that it was going to run into opposition from political foes of the RIAA and MPAA. The Senate of Judiciary Committee is schedule to vote on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Act, a bill passed in July. One of the latest version permits the Justice Department to file a lawsuit against any one who is committing a copyright violation such as peer-to-peer users. A group of librians and nonprofit group says copyright holders should be the ones filing the lawsuit not the government.
The second RIAA and MPAA is called the International Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement Act. This act will round up copyright pressure against counties that US Trade Representatives believes is not taking privacy seriously.

"We can't let other countries repeatedly rip off the movies Americans make, the products Americans desigh and the other fruits of American ingenuity without taking some action."

I agree with this quote, that we shouldn't let other countries rip off the American industry, however, how are we going to enforce this law when the federal can't extend beyound the US border??

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